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Turkington windows, doors and conservatories

Essential window buying checklist

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White casement window close up

Have you ever considered how replacing your windows could substantially boost your property value? Well since the Home Renovation Incentive (HRI) Scheme launched back in 2013, homeowners across Ireland have been doing just that. Home extensions explain the largest amount of work carried out under the scheme (34%), closely followed by general repairs and renovations (25%), whilst window replacement came a close third; accounting for 10% of the work carried out.

New double-glazed windows truly have the power to add appreciable value to homes, depending on the material and style of course. Having carried out many high-quality window installations ourselves over the years, we can sincerely vouch for this and so can our satisfied customers. Take some time out and have a read through our online reviews via Google and Facebook to find out why.

You may be thinking ‘my windows are fine, they don’t need replacing…’ However, if more than one of the following scenarios apply then there may be room for improvement!

Signs your windows may need replacing

  • Single pane glass
  • Cracks, rot or mould around the window sealant
  • Whistling or drafts
  • Condensation within double or triple glazed panes
  • Visibly blown window seals
  • Water stains / leaks
  • A noticeable energy bill increase
  • Unable to open the window (this could be due to warped frames or in extreme cases you may find your property foundations have shifted)
  • Hard to clean
  • Notable increase in outside noise
  • Replacement window parts are discontinued or rare
  • Carpets and other furnishings have begun to fade
  • Overall tired look to the property
  • Your windows are over 20 years old

Now that we’ve pointed out some worry aspects that your own windows could be displaying, the Turkington Windows team have created this comprehensive guide to help you fully understand what you should initially be looking out for before investing in new windows.

Turkington Windows Essential Window Buying Checklist

Related to this post: The top 4 security aspects of our windows

With a range of finance options available, don’t hesitate to get in touch for any further information required.

Double Glazing Across Ireland

With showrooms in Lisburn & Portadown we are ideally placed to supply and install windows, doors and conservatories all across Belfast and Northern Ireland, as well as the greater Dublin area and counties Monaghan, Meath and Louth.

Holding ourselves to the most stringent standards

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